Advanced Javascript Tutorial Download With Examples Free

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Please note that these examples may require the latest developement snapshot. PLI Assembler I have seen many request for IBM Assembler Tutorial, References, Examples, Manuals, Emulators, Utilities, Books, FAQ etc. I have. Java. Script Testing with Mocks, Spies Stubs Site. Point. This article was peer reviewed by Mark Brown and Marc. Towler. Thanks to all of Site. Points peer reviewers for making Site. Point content the best it can be One of the biggest stumbling blocks when writing unit tests is what to do when you have code thats non trivial. In real life projects, code often does all kinds of things that make testing hard. Ajax requests, timers, dates, accessing other browser features or if youre using Node. D&Amp. All of these are hard to test because you cant control them in code. If youre using Ajax, you need a server to respond to the request, so as to make your tests pass. If you use set. Timeout, your test will have to wait. With databases or networking, its the same thing you need a database with the correct data, or a network server. Real life isnt as easy as many testing tutorials make it look. But did you know there is a solutionAdvanced Javascript Tutorial Download With Examples FreeBy using Sinon, we can make testing non trivial code trivial Lets find out how. What Makes Sinon so Important and Useful Put simply, Sinon allows you to replace the difficult parts of your tests with something that makes testing simple. When testing a piece of code, you dont want to have it affected by anything outside the test. If something external affects a test, the test becomes much more complex and could fail randomly. If you want to test code making an Ajax call, how can you do that You need to run a server and make sure it gives the exact response needed for your test. Its complicated to set up, and makes writing and running unit tests difficult. And what if your code depends on time Lets say it waits one second before doing something. What now You could use a set. Timeout in your test to wait one second, but that makes the test slow. Imagine if the interval was longer, for example five minutes. Im going to guess you probably dont want to wait five minutes each time you run your tests. By using Sinon, we can take both of these issues plus many others, and eliminate the complexity. How Does Sinon WorkSinon helps eliminate complexity in tests by allowing you to easily create so called test doubles. Test doubles are, like the name suggests, replacements for pieces of code used in your tests. Looking back at the Ajax example, instead of setting up a server, we would replace the Ajax call with a test double. With the time example, we would use test doubles to allow us to travel forwards in time. It may sound a bit weird, but the basic concept is simple. Because Java. Script is very dynamic, we can take any function and replace it with something else. Test doubles just take this idea a little bit further. With Sinon, we can replace any Java. Script function with a test double, which can then be configured to do a variety of things to make testing complex things simple. Sinon splits test doubles into three types Spies, which offer information about function calls, without affecting their behavior. Stubs, which are like spies, but completely replace the function. This makes it possible to make a stubbed function do whatever you like throw an exception, return a specific value, etc. Mocks, which make replacing whole objects easier by combining both spies and stubs. In addition, Sinon also provides some other helpers, although these are outside the scope of this article With these features, Sinon allows you to solve all of the difficult problems external dependencies cause in your tests. If you learn the tricks for using Sinon effectively, you wont need any other tools. Installing Sinon. First off we need to install Sinon. For Node. js testing Install Sinon via npm using npm install sinon. Require Sinon in your test with var sinon requiresinon For browser based testing You can either install Sinon via npm with npm install sinon, use a CDN, or download it from Sinons website. Include sinon. js in your test runner page. Getting Started. Sinon has a lot of functionality, but much of it builds on top of itself. You learn about one part, and you already know about the next one. This makes Sinon easy to use once you learn the basics and know what each different part does. Sims 3 World Editor. We usually need Sinon when our code calls a function which is giving us trouble. With Ajax, it could be. XMLHttp. Request. With time, the function might be set. Timeout. With databases, it could be mongodb. One. To make it easier to talk about this function, Im going to call it the dependency. The function we are testing depends on the result of another function. We can say, the basic use pattern with Sinon is to replace the problematic dependency with a test double. When testing Ajax, we replace XMLHttp. Request with a test double which pretends to make an Ajax request. When testing time, we replace set. Timeout with a pretend timer. When testing database access, we could replace mongodb. One with a test double which immediately returns some fake data. Lets see how that works in practice. Spies. Spies are the simplest part of Sinon, and other functionality builds on top of them. The primary use for spies is to gather information about function calls. You can also use them to help verify things, such as whether a function was called or not. We can call a spy like a function. Hello, World. Now we can get information about the call. Call. args output Hello, World. The function sinon. Spy object, which can be called like a function, but also contains properties with information on any calls made to it. In the example above, the first. Call property has information about the first call, such as first. Call. args which is the list of arguments passed. Although you can create anonymous spies as above by calling sinon. Name functionname. Create a spy for the set. Name function. var set. Name. Spy sinon. Name. Now, any time we call the function, the spy logs information about it. NameDarth Vader. Which we can see by looking at the spy object. Name. Spy. call. Count output 1. Important final step remove the spy. Name. Spy. restore. Replacing another function with a spy works similarly to the previous example, with one important difference When youve finished using the spy, its important to remember to restore the original function, as in the last line of the example above. Without this your tests may misbehave. Spies have a lot of different properties, which provide different information on how they were used. Sinons spy documentation has a comprehensive list of all available options. In practice, you might not use spies very often. Youre more likely to need a stub, but spies can be convenient for example to verify a callback was called function my. Functioncondition, callback. Function, function. Functiontrue, callback. Once. In this example I am using Mocha as the test framework and Chai as the assertion library. If you would like to learn more about either of these, then please consult my previous article Unit Test Your Java. Script Using Mocha and Chai. See the Pen Sinon Tutorial Java. Script Testing with Mocks, Spies Stubs by Site. Point Site. Point on Code. Pen. Sinons Assertions. Before we carry on and talk about stubs, lets take a quick detour and look at Sinons assertions. In most testing situations with spies and stubs, you need some way of verifying the result of the test. We can use any kind of assertion to verify the results. In the previous example with the callback, we used Chais assert function which ensures the value is truthy.