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Negotiation Wikipedia. Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of these issues. This beneficial outcome can be for all of the parties involved, or just for one or some of them. Ppc2IGU9fXQiIyUrTCjLGXKdbUiBiza-GlTnsPm7wUknccnym0zH2_vL4kiu00CLK4' alt='Download Negotiation Games' title='Download Negotiation Games' />It is aimed to resolve points of difference, to gain advantage for an individual or collective, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. It is often conducted by putting forward a position and making small concessions to achieve an agreement. The degree to which the negotiating parties trust each other to implement the negotiated solution is a major factor in determining whether negotiations are successful. Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite Torrent Mac Download. In many cases, negotiation is not a zero sum game, allowing for cooperation to improve the results of the negotiation. People negotiate daily, often without considering it a negotiation. Negotiation occurs in organizations, including businesses, non profits, and within and between governments as well as in sales and legal proceedings, and in personal situations such as marriage, divorce, parenting, etc. Professional negotiators are often specialized, such as union negotiators, leverage buyout negotiators, peace negotiator, or hostage negotiators. They may also work under other titles, such as diplomats, legislators, or brokers. Download Negotiation Games' title='Download Negotiation Games' />Negotiation can take a wide variety of forms, from a trained negotiator acting on behalf of a particular organization or position in a formal setting to an informal negotiation between friends. Negotiation can be contrasted with mediation, where a neutral third party listens to each sides arguments and attempts to help craft an agreement between the parties. It can also be compared with arbitration, which resembles a legal proceeding. In arbitration, both sides make an argument as to the merits of their case and the arbitrator decides the outcome. Bollywood Blogger Templates Html'>Bollywood Blogger Templates Html. This negotiation is also sometimes called positional or hard bargaining negotiation. Negotiation theorists generally distinguish between two types of negotiation. Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to. Different theorists use different labels for the two general types and distinguish them in different ways. Distributive negotiationeditDistributive negotiation is also sometimes called positional or hard bargaining negotiation and attempts to distribute a fixed pie of benefits. Distributive negotiation operates under zero sum conditions and implies that any gain one party makes is at the expense of the other and vice versa. For this reason, distributive negotiation is also sometimes called win lose because of the assumption that one persons gain results in another persons loss. Distributive negotiation examples include haggling prices on an open market, including the negotiation of the price of a car or a home. In a distributive negotiation, each side often adopts an extreme position, knowing it will not be acceptedand then uses a combination of guile, bluffing, and brinkmanship to cede as little as possible before reaching a deal. Distributive bargainers conceive of negotiation as a process of distributing a fixed amount of value. A distributive negotiation often involves people who have never had a previous interactive relationship, nor are they likely to do so again in the near future. Free download Risk II game. Play classic turnbased strategy and war game. Risk download. In the distributive approach each negotiator fights for the largest possible piece of the pie, so it may be quite appropriatewithin certain limitsto regard the other side more as an adversary than a partner and to take a somewhat harder line. Integrative negotiationeditIntegrative negotiation is also called interest based, merit based, or principled negotiation. It is a set of techniques that attempts to improve the quality and likelihood of negotiated agreement by taking advantage of the fact that different parties value various outcomes differently. While distributive negotiation assumes there is a fixed amount of value a fixed pie to be divided between the parties, integrative negotiation often attempts to create value in the course of the negotiation expand the pie. Integrative negotiation often involves a higher degree of trust and the forming of a relationship. It can also involve creative problem solving that aims to achieve mutual gains. Kaplan Toefl Practice Test Pdf'>Kaplan Toefl Practice Test Pdf. It is also sometimes called win win negotiation. In the integrative approach, unlike the distributive approach, parties seek to find an arrangement that is in the best interest of both sides. A good agreement is not one with maximum gain, but optimum gain. Gains in this scenario are not at the expense of the other, but with him. A common negotiation technique in integrative negotiations involves trading one favor for another, commonly referred to as logrolling. It focuses on the underlying interests of the parties rather than their arbitrary starting positions, approaches negotiation as a shared problem rather than a personalized battle, and insists upon adherence to objective, principled criteria as the basis for agreement. Perspective taking in integrative negotiation can be helpful for a few reasons, including that it can help self advocating negotiators to seek mutually beneficial solutions, and it increases the likelihood of logrolling when a favor is traded for another i. Social motivation can increase the chances of a party conceding to a negotiation. While concession is mandatory for negotiations, research shows that people who concede more quickly, are less likely to explore all integrative and mutually beneficial solutions. Therefore, conceding reduces the chance of an integrative negotiation. However, negotiators need not sacrifice effective negotiation in favor of a positive relationship between parties. Rather than conceding, each side can appreciate that the other has emotions and motivations of their own and use this to their advantage in discussing the issue. In fact, perspective taking can help move parties toward a more integrative solution. Fisher et al. illustrate a few techniques that effectively improve perspective taking in their book Getting to Yes, and through the following, negotiators can separate people from the problem itself. Put yourself in their shoes People tend to search for information that confirms his or her own beliefs and often ignore information that contradicts prior beliefs. In order to negotiate effectively, it is important to empathize with the other partys point of view. One should be open to other views and attempt to approach an issue from the perspective of the other. Discuss each others perceptions A more direct approach to understanding the other party is to explicitly discuss each others perceptions. Each individual should openly and honestly share his or her perceptions without assigning blame or judgement to the other. Find opportunities to act inconsistently with his or her views It is possible that the other party has prior perceptions and expectations about the other side. The other side can act in a way that directly contradicts those preconceptions, which can effectively send a message that the party is interested in an integrative negotiation. Face saving This approach refers to justifying a stance based on ones previously expressed principles and values in a negotiation.