Hard Driver Recovery
External hard drive repair free download Free External Hard Drive Data Recovery, Free External Hard Drive Data Recovery, Flobo Hard Disk Repair, and many more programs. Garner Products, Inc. NSAlisted hard drive degaussers, hard drive erasers, hard drive sanitizers, physical hard drive. I have a hard drive with valuable information on it, but I cant seem to access itthe drive is either damaged or erased. Is there any way I can see whats on the. In this edition of the Windows Desktop Report, Greg Shultz shows you how to use System Image Recovery to revive an unbootable Windows system. Windows Installation CD from your Recovery Disk Making a CD for Windows 9x and MEWe have utility, Easy Recovery that will create a Windows CD for you, and create recovery files, so you will not need to format to reinstall Windows. I have been asked many times I have Windows 9x or ME, how can I install Windows without having to lose all my files. I only have a Recovery Disk. Well it is really very simple, so long as you have a CD burner or at least a second hard drive. The first thing you can do is make a Startup diskette, or you can make a bootable CD image. Hard Driver Recovery' title='Hard Driver Recovery' />If you have a Recovery CD from your computer manufacturer, the Recovery CD will install the Windows installation files the Windows Cabinet file to a folder, normally to C WindowsOptionsCabs or to C WindowsOptionsInstall. Open the Windows Explorer and look for them. Make sure you have the file Precopy. Then, check that you have a cab file with a number Each version of Windows is different. Windows 9. 5 and 9. Precopy. 2. cab while Millennium has a file named Base. Hard Driver Recovery' title='Hard Driver Recovery' />Windows 9. Base. Windows 9. 5 has Win0. Millennium has a file named Net. So you need to look for the sequence of numbers, not the name. In all versions, all the Win cabs use an underscore before the number. A list of needed files are listed below. Windows 9. 5 normally goes up to cab file number 2. Windows 9. 8 has files up to 6. Here again, it could be higher. Millennium has files up to 2. Each manufacturer has a different number of cabinet files. Once you have checked that these files exist, check that a setup. Also,check for the file xmsmmgr. If both of these files exist, then you probably have all the needed files to install Windows. If not, you may have deleted one or two, or even had a FAT error and the files disappeared on their own. In which case, you may need to reinstall Windows just to get these files. Lets check it. Double click on setup and let Windows start to check your system and run Scandisk. Once Windows offers you a Cancel option, Cancel. If you got this far you probably have all the needed files. Create a folder named Win. Copy all the files from WindowsOptionsCabs to the Win. CD burner with a CD in it. If you do not have a CD burner and cannot get someone to burn the CD for you, copy the files to a different hard drive. This way, if you ever have to format a drive you can install Windows from the unformatted drive. Lastly, but most importantly, you need a Startup disk. If you already have one from the manufacturer, make your own anyway. Open the Control Panel and select AddRemove Programs, click on the tab, Startup Disk. Windows 9. 8 and ME will create a Startup Disk that will load your CD ROM. Windows 9. 5 will not create a startup disk that loads your CD, but the manufacturers disk will, so you can use theirs. You will need to exit the Windows install and switch CDs to your CD at this point. If you are copying the files to your hard drive remember where you placed them. Example D Win. At the A prompt or C prompt, type D without the quotes then press enter. Now type cd win. Press enter. Now type Setup without the quotes and press enter. The same will hold true for a CD installation. You just have to watch the screen for what drive your CD ROM was loaded to. Normally, if your CD ROM is D it will be loaded to E. The Startup disk will normally creates a RAM drive before loading the CD ROM. Example List The list was taken from my CDs, so you may have different names such as Driver. Net. 10. cab. You may even have more files than this. Most important item to check is that your setup. Microsoft file, if not your computer manufacture may have put a Fdisk command in the setup file. This will Fdisk the hard drive immediately. Windows 9. 8 files. BASE4. CAB BASE5. CAB BASE6. CAB CATALOG3. CAB CHL9. 9. CAB DELTEMP. COM DOSSETUP. BIN DRIVER1. Ux Ultimate Experience Rapidshare Movies. CAB DRIVER1. 2. CAB DRIVER1. CAB DRIVER1. 4. CAB DRIVER1. CAB DRIVER1. 6. CAB DRIVER1. Driver Para Ver Dvd Windows Media Player there. CAB DRIVER1. 8. CAB DRIVER1. CAB DRIVER2. 0. CAB DRIVER2. CAB EXTRACT. EXE MINI. CAB MSNET3. 2. DLL Optional NET1. CAB NET7. CAB NET8. CAB NET9. CAB PRECOPY1. CAB PRECOPY2. CAB RICHED2. DLL Optional RICHED3. DLL Optional SAVE3. COM SCANDISK. EXE SCANDISK. PIF Optional SCANPROG. EXE SCANREG. EXE SETUP. EXE SETUP. TXT Optional SETUP0. WAV Optional SETUP1. WAV Optional SETUP2. WAV Optional SMARTDRV. EXE SUBACK. BIN SUCATREG. EXE For SESUHELPER. BIN USP1. 0. DLL Optional VDHCP. Optional W9. 8SETUP. BIN WB1. 6OFF. EXE WIN9. CAB WIN9. 82. 3. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 82. 5. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 82. 7. CAB WIN9. Dce And Dte Serial Cable there. CAB Windows 9. 8 Continued WIN9. CAB WIN9. 83. 0. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 83. 2. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 83. 4. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 83. 6. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 83. 8. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 84. 0. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 84. 2. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 84. 4. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 84. 6. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 84. 8. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 85. 0. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 85. 2. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 85. 4. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 85. 6. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 85. 8. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 86. 0. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 86. 2. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 86. 4. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 86. 6. CAB WIN9. CAB WIN9. 86. 8. CAB WIN9. CAB XMSMMGR. EXE Windows ME files. BASE2. CAB CATALOG. CAB DELTEMP. COM DOSSETUP. BIN DRIVER5. CAB DRIVER6. CAB DRIVER7. CAB EXTRACT. EXE FORMAT. COM MINI. CAB MSBATCH. INF Optional MSLOGO. TTF Optional NET3. CAB NET4. CAB OEMSETUP. BIN Optional OEMSETUP. EXE Optional PRECOPY1. CAB ROBOCOPY. EXE SAVE3. COM SCANDISK. EXE SCANDISK. PIF SCANPROG. EXE SCANREG. EXE SETUP. EXE SETUP. TXT Optional SETUP0. WAV SMARTDRV. EXE SUBACK. BIN SUBACK1. 6. BIN SUHELPER. BIN W9. XSETUP. BIN WB1. OFF. EXE WIN1. 0. CAB WIN1. 1. CAB WIN1. CAB WIN1. 3. CAB WIN1. CAB WIN1. 5. CAB WIN1. CAB WIN1. 7. CAB WIN1. CAB WIN1. 9. CAB WIN2. CAB WIN2. 1. CAB WIN2. CAB WIN8. CAB WIN9. CAB WINOL. CAB WIN1. BIN WIN6. 40. BIN WIN8. BIN WINME. BAT Optional WINME. WMV XMSMMGR. EXE Back to top Making a CD for Windows XP, 2. NTI have been asked many times I have Windows XP, how can I install Windows without having to lose all my files. I only have a Recovery Disk. Well it is really very simple, so long as you have a CD burner or at least a second hard drive. The first thing you can do is make a Startup diskette if you are using FAT3. CD image. If you are using NTFS read the section bootable CD image. If you have a Recovery CD from your computer manufacturer, the Recovery CD will install the Windows installation files to a folder, normally to C I3. C WinntI3. 86 or C WindowsI3. Open the Windows Explorer and look for them. Make sure you have the file Winnt. Winnt. 32. exe and EULA. Each version of Windows has a different number of files and almost all the files will be compressed so they will have an underscore at the end of the file extension like Shell. You can do a search for the folder I3. You will need to copy the entire folder to your CD burner. Do not change theĀ name of the folder and do not make it a sub folder as in E WindowsI3. E I3. 86. This folder will contain about 1. Be sure to review the section A little updated info before making the CD. Now comes the tough part, getting the Windows CD Key. The NT platform does not store the CD Key in the Registry in plain text as on the Windows 9x platform. It stores only the Product ID, which is different each time you reinstall windows. So you will need to check your computer case for it.