Jdk 6 Update 22 With Javafx 1.3.1 Sdk
Java programming language WikipediaJava language redirects here. For the natural language from the Indonesian island of Java, see Javanese language. This article is about a programming language. For the software package downloaded from java. Java SE. Java. Paradigm. Multi paradigm Object oriented class based, structured, imperative, generic, reflective, concurrent. Jdk 6 Update 22 With Javafx 1. Sdk SoftwareJdk 6 Update 22 With Javafx 1. SdklhDesigned by. James Gosling. Developer. Sun Microsystems now owned by Oracle CorporationFirst appeared. JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering desktop applications, as well as rich internet applications RIAs that can run across a wide variety of. Java SE Java SE 9 Java SE 8 Java SE 7 Java SE 6 Java SE 5 Java SE 1. Java SE 1. 3 Java SE 1. Java SE 1. 1 JRockit Family Java SE Tutorials JDK 1. Documentation. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. May 2. 3, 1. 99. 5 2. Typing discipline. Static, strong, safe, nominative, manifest. License. GNU General Public License, Java Community Process. Filename extensions. Websiteoracle. comjavaMajor implementations. Open. JDK, GNU Compiler for Java GCJ, many others. Dialects. Generic Java, Pizza. Influenced by. Ada 8. C,2C,3Eiffel,4Generic Java, Mesa,5Modula 3,6Oberon,7Objective C,8UCSD Pascal,91. Object Pascal1. 1Influenced. Ada 2. 00. 5, Bean. Shell, C, Chapel,1. Clojure, ECMAScript, Fantom, Gambas,1. Jdk 6 Update 22 With Javafx 1.3.1 Sdk Android' title='Jdk 6 Update 22 With Javafx 1.3.1 Sdk Android' />Groovy, Hack,1. Haxe, J, Java. Script, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Scala, Seed. Vala. Java is a general purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class based, object oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere WORA,1. Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine JVM regardless of computer architecture. As of 2. 01. 6, Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use,1. Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation and released in 1. Sun Microsystems Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C, but it has fewer low level facilities than either of them. The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were originally released by Sun under proprietary licenses. As of May 2. 00. 7, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License. Others have also developed alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java bytecode compiler, GNU Classpath standard libraries, and Iced. Tea Web browser plugin for applets. Jdk 6 Update 22 With Javafx 1.3.1 Sdkfz' title='Jdk 6 Update 22 With Javafx 1.3.1 Sdkfz' />The latest version is Java 9, released on September 2. Oracle. Versions earlier than Java 8 are supported by companies on a commercial basis e. Oracle back to Java 6 as of October 2. Java 8 from at least Windows computers. History. James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in June 1. Java was originally designed for interactive television, but it was too advanced for the digital cable television industry at the time. The language was initially called Oak after an oak tree that stood outside Goslings office. Later the project went by the name Green and was finally renamed Java, from Java coffee. Gosling designed Java with a CC style syntax that system and application programmers would find familiar. Sun Microsystems released the first public implementation as Java 1. It promised Write Once, Run Anywhere WORA, providing no cost run times on popular platforms. Fairly secure and featuring configurable security, it allowed network and file access restrictions. Major web browsers soon incorporated the ability to run Java applets within web pages, and Java quickly became popular. The Java 1. 0 compiler was re written in Java by Arthur van Hoff to comply strictly with the Java 1. With the advent of Java 2 released initially as J2. SE 1. 2 in December 1. J2. EE included technologies and APIs for enterprise applications typically run in server environments, while J2. ME featured APIs optimized for mobile applications. The desktop version was renamed J2. SE. In 2. 00. 6, for marketing purposes, Sun renamed new J2 versions as Java EE, Java ME, and Java SE, respectively. In 1. 99. 7, Sun Microsystems approached the ISOIEC JTC 1 standards body and later the Ecma International to formalize Java, but it soon withdrew from the process. Java remains a de facto standard, controlled through the Java Community Process. At one time, Sun made most of its Java implementations available without charge, despite their proprietary software status. Sun generated revenue from Java through the selling of licenses for specialized products such as the Java Enterprise System. On November 1. 3, 2. Sun released much of its Java virtual machine JVM as free and open source software, FOSS, under the terms of the GNU General Public License GPL. On May 8, 2. 00. 7, Sun finished the process, making all of its JVMs core code available under free softwareopen source distribution terms, aside from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the copyright. Suns vice president Rich Green said that Suns ideal role with regard to Java was as an evangelist. Following Oracle Corporations acquisition of Sun Microsystems in 2. Oracle has described itself as the steward of Java technology with a relentless commitment to fostering a community of participation and transparency. This did not prevent Oracle from filing a lawsuit against Google shortly after that for using Java inside the Android SDK see Google section below. Java software runs on everything from laptops to data centers, game consoles to scientific supercomputers. On April 2, 2. 01. James Gosling resigned from Oracle. In January 2. 01. Oracle announced that Java runtime environments based on JDK 9 will discontinue the browser plugin. Principles. There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java language 1. It must be simple, object oriented, and familiar. It must be robust and secure. It must be architecture neutral and portable. It must execute with high performance. It must be interpreted, threaded, and dynamic. Versions. As of 2. Java 8 and 9 are officially supported. Opatch Failed With Error Code 100 on this page. Major release versions of Java, along with their release dates JDK 1. January 2. 3, 1. 99. JDK 1. 1 February 1. J2. SE 1. 2 December 8, 1. J2. SE 1. 3 May 8, 2. J2. SE 1. 4 February 6, 2. J2. SE 5. 0 September 3. Java SE 6 December 1. Java SE 7 July 2. Java SE 8 March 1. Java SE 9 September 2. Practices. Java platform. One design goal of Java is portability, which means that programs written for the Java platform must run similarly on any combination of hardware and operating system with adequate runtime support. This is achieved by compiling the Java language code to an intermediate representation called Java bytecode, instead of directly to architecture specific machine code. Java bytecode instructions are analogous to machine code, but they are intended to be executed by a virtual machine VM written specifically for the host hardware. End users commonly use a Java Runtime Environment JRE installed on their own machine for standalone Java applications, or in a web browser for Java applets. Standard libraries provide a generic way to access host specific features such as graphics, threading, and networking. The use of universal bytecode makes porting simple. However, the overhead of interpreting bytecode into machine instructions made interpreted programs almost always run more slowly than native executables. Java langage Wikipdia Pour les articles homonymes, voir Java. Java. Date de premire version. Paradigme. Orient objet, structur, impratif, fonctionnel. Auteur. Sun Microsystems. Dveloppeurs. Oracle Corporation. Typage. Statique, fort, sr, nominatif. Influenc par. Objective C, C, C, Smalltalk, Eiffel1, Ada 8. Mesa, Modula 3, Oberon, UCSD Pascal. A influencC, J, Ada 2. Gambas, Bean. Shell, Clojure, ECMAScript, Groovy, Java. Script, PHP, Python2, Scala, Seed. Vala, Processing. Implmentations. Liste de JVMSystme dexploitation. Multiplateformes. Licence. GNU GPLSite webwww. Extensions de fichiers. Le langage Java est un langage de programmationinformatiqueorient objet cr par James Gosling et Patrick Naughton, employs de Sun Microsystems, avec le soutien de Bill Joy cofondateur de Sun Microsystems en 1. Sun. World. La socit Sun a t ensuite rachete en 2. Oracle qui dtient et maintient dsormais Java. La particularit et lobjectif central de Java est que les logiciels crits dans ce langage doivent tre trs facilement portables sur plusieurs systmes dexploitation tels que Unix, Windows, Mac OS ou GNULinux, avec peu ou pas de modifications. Pour cela, divers plateformes et frameworks associs visent guider, sinon garantir, cette portabilit des applications dveloppes en Java. Le langage Java reprend en grande partie la syntaxe du langage C, trs utilis par les informaticiens. Nanmoins, Java a t pur des concepts les plus subtils du C et la fois les plus droutants, tels que les pointeurs et rfrences, ou lhritage multiple contourn par limplmentation des interfaces. Les concepteurs ont privilgi lapproche oriente objet de sorte quen Java, tout est objet lexception des types primitifs nombres entiers, nombres virgule flottante, etc. Java permet de dvelopper des applications client serveur. Ct client, les applets sont lorigine de la notorit du langage. Cest surtout ct serveur que Java sest impos dans le milieu de lentreprise grce aux servlets, le pendant serveur des applets, et plus rcemment les JSP Java. Server Pages qui peuvent se substituer PHP, ASP et ASP. NET. Java a donn naissance un systme dexploitation Java. OS, des environnements de dveloppement eclipseJDK, des machines virtuelles MSJVM en, JRE applicatives multiplate forme JVM, une dclinaison pour les priphriques mobilesembarqus J2. ME, une bibliothque de conception dinterface graphique AWTSwing, des applications lourdes Jude, Oracle SQL Worksheet, etc., des technologies web servlets, applets et une dclinaison pour lentreprise J2. EE. La portabilit du bytecode Java est assure par la machine virtuelle Java, et ventuellement par des bibliothques standard incluses dans un JRE. Cette machine virtuelle peut interprter le bytecode ou le compiler la vole en langage machine. La portabilit est dpendante de la qualit de portage des JVM sur chaque OS. Duke, la mascotte de Java. Le langage Java est issu dun projet de Sun Microsystems datant de 1. Patrick Naughton ntait pas satisfait par le langage C utilis chez Sun, ses interfaces de programmation en langage C, ainsi que les outils associs. Alors quil envisageait une migration vers Ne. XT, on lui proposa de travailler sur une nouvelle technologie et cest ainsi que le Projet Stealth furtif vit le jour. Le Projet Stealth fut rapidement rebaptis Green Project avec larrive de James Gosling et de Mike Sheridan. Ensemble, aids dautres ingnieurs, ils commencrent travailler dans un bureau de la rue Sand Hill Menlo Park en Californie. Ils essayrent dlaborer une technologie pour le dveloppement dapplications dune nouvelle gnration, offrant Sun la perspective dopportunits uniques. Lquipe envisageait initialement dutiliser le langage C, mais labandonna pour diffrentes raisons. Tout dabord, ils dveloppaient sur un systme embarqu avec des ressources limites et estimaient que lutilisation du C demandait un investissement trop important et que cette complexit tait une source derreur pour les dveloppeurs. Labsence de ramasse miettes impliquait que la gestion de la mmoire devait tre programme manuellement, un dfi mais aussi une source derreurs. Lquipe tait galement insatisfaite des lacunes du langage C au niveau de la scurit, de la programmation distribue, du multi threading. De plus, ils voulaient une plate forme qui puisse tre porte sur tout type dappareils ou de plates formes. Bill Joy avait envisag un nouveau langage combinant le meilleur du langage de programmation Mesa en et du langage C. Dans un article appel Plus loin Further, il proposa Sun que ses ingnieurs dveloppent un environnement orient objet bas sur le langage C. Gosling envisageait de modifier et damliorer le langage C, quil appelait C, mais lide fut bientt abandonne au profit du dveloppement dun nouveau langage de programmation quils appelrent Oak chne en rfrence, selon la lgende, un arbre plant devant la fentre de leur bureaurf. Lquipe travailla avec acharnementrf. Greenrf. souhaite, le langage Oak 1. Leur premire ralisation, prsente le 3septembre. PDA appel Star. 7 ayant une interface graphique et un agent intelligent appel Duke pour prter assistance lutilisateur. En novembre de la mme anne, le Green Project fut abandonn pour devenir First. Person, Inc, appartenant en totalit Sun Microsystems et lquipe fut relocalise Palo Alto. Lquipe First. Person tait intresse par la construction doutils hautement interactifs et quand Time Warner publia un appel doffres en faveur dun dcodeur multifonctions, First. Person changea dobjectif pour proposer une telle plate forme. Cependant, lindustrie de la tlvision par cble trouva quelle offrait trop de possibilits lutilisateur et First. Person perdit le march au profit de Silicon Graphics. Incapable dintresser lindustrie audiovisuelle, la socit fut rintgre au sein de Sun. De juin juillet. John Gage, James Gosling, Joy, Naughton, Wayne Rosing et Eric Schmidt, lquipe recentra la plate forme sur le web. Ils pensaient quavec lavnement du navigateur Mosaic, Internet tait le lieu o allait se dvelopper le mme genre doutil interactif que celui quils avaient envisag pour lindustrie du cble. Naughton dveloppa comme prototype un petit navigateur web, Web. Runner qui deviendra par la suite Hot. Java. La mme anne le langage fut renomm Java aprs quon eut dcouvert que le nom Oak tait dj utilis par un fabricant de carte vido. Le nom Java nest pas un acronyme, il a t choisi lors dun brainstorming3 en remplacement du nom dorigine Oak , cause dun conflit avec une marque existante, parce que le caf java en argot amricain4 est la boisson favorite de nombreux programmeurs5. Le logo choisi par Sun est dailleurs une tasse de caf fumant. En octobre. 19. 94, Hot. Java et la plate forme Java furent prsents pour Sun Executives. Java 1. 0a fut disponible en tlchargement en 1. Hot. Java arriva le 2. Sun. World6. Lannonce fut effectue par John Gage, le directeur scientifique de Sun Microsystems. Son annonce fut accompagne de lannonce surprise de Marc Andressen, vice prsident de lexcutif de Netscape que Netscape allait inclure le support de Java dans ses navigateurs.